Level 3 Team Leader or Supervisor
Overview - Version 1.4
Notebook Assessment Services can assess the Level 3 Team Leader or Supervisor apprenticeship, providing a personalised, flexible and responsive service that supports apprenticeship providers.
A Team leader or supervisor is a first line management role, with operational and project responsibilities or responsibility for managing a team to deliver a clearly defined outcome.
ST0384 Version 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4
LARS: 105
EPA price: £600
12 months minimum to gateway
EPA timeframe: 3 Months
Remote End Point Assessment
EQA Ofqual Grading: Pass/Distinction/Fail
To go through gateway, the following criteria have to be met:
The apprentice has achieved English and mathematics at level 2.
The apprentice has completed a portfolio demonstrating all of the required knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship.
The assessment approach for this standard has two methods:
Presentation with questions and answers.
Professional Discussion.
A professional discussion which must be appropriately structured to draw out the best of the apprentice’s competence and excellence and cover the KSBs assigned to this assessment method. The discussion will last for 60 minutes and is based around the portfolio of evidence. The apprentice will upload their portfolio to ACE360 at gateway. The portfolio should provide at least one piece of evidence for each of the knowledge, skills, and behaviours.
The presentation should provide a summary of the apprentice’s role as a team leader and what they do and how this is relevant to their role and organisation. It should focus on how they tackle current topics and will cover all KSBs assigned to this method.
The assessment will take 50 (+/- 10%) minutes, allowing 20 minutes for the presentation, with a further 30 minutes for a Q&A session.
Why Choose Notebook Assessment Services?
Trusted expertise shaped by partnering with specialist, high profile clients
Uncompromised focus on providing exceptional EPA
EPA feedback within 10 days
0% registration fee - 100% payment on EPA delivery