Level 3 Digital Support Technician
Overview - Version 1.1
Notebook Assessment Services can assess the Level 3 Digital Support Technician apprenticeship, providing a personalised, flexible and responsive service that supports apprenticeship providers.
Technology can have a big say in your business success - if utilised effectively. That’s where a digital support technician comes in: they’re here to help team members maximise tech to its fullest potential, teaching and training and guiding your staff on the most productive ways of employing the tech your business uses. Learners can focus on Digital applications (using tech to support internal teams) or Digital service (supporting external users like customers and suppliers), depending on your needs.
ST0120 Version 1.0 / 1.1
LARS: 439
EPA price: £1,300
12 months minimum to gateway
EPA timeframe: 3 Months
Remote End Point Assessment
EQA Ofqual Grading: Pass/Merit/Distinction/Fail
To go through gateway, the following criteria have to be met:
The apprentice has completed training covering the knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship.
The apprentice has achieved English and mathematics at level 2.
The apprentice has completed a portfolio demonstrating all of the required knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship.
The assessment approach for this standard has two methods:
Knowledge Test
Case Study presentation and interview.
40 Questions, 60 minutes for the Core
20 Questions, 30 minutes for the Specialisms
Digital Applications Technician
Digital Service Technician
Work-based scenario
20 hours to prepare the presentation
20-minute presentation to be delivered by the apprentice, followed by a 20-minute Q&A with the Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA)
20-minute break
60-minute (+/- 10%) interview with the IEPA, informed by the Cast Study Presentation and the portfolio
Why Choose Notebook Assessment Services?
Trusted expertise shaped by partnering with specialist, high profile clients
Uncompromised focus on providing exceptional EPA
EPA feedback within 10 days
0% registration fee - 100% payment on EPA delivery