Level 2 Engineering Operative
Overview - Version 1.3
ST0537 Version 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3
LARS: 352
EPA price: £1,010
12 months minimum to gateway
EPA timeframe: 3 Months
EQA Ofqual Grading: Pass/Distinction/Fail
Notebook Assessment Services can assess the Level 2 Engineering Operative apprenticeship, providing a personalised, flexible and responsive service that supports apprenticeship providers.
Engineering Operatives are predominantly involved in engineering operations which are key to the success of the Manufacturing and Engineering sector.
To go through gateway, the following criteria have to be met:
The apprentice has completed training covering the knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship.
The apprentice has achieved the required mandatory qualifications Level 2 Diploma in Engineering Operations (competence) and Level 2 Certificate or Diploma in Engineering Operations (knowledge).
The apprentice has achieved English and mathematics at level 2.
The apprentice has completed a portfolio demonstrating all of the required knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship.
An observation covering the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) of the core and specialism. May also include 3-6 open questions from the assessor.
2 hours (+/- 10 mins)
Pass/ Fail
The assessment approach for this standard has two methods:
Practical Skills Observation.
Professional Discussion.
Mechanical manufacturing engineering
Maintenance role
Electrical and electronic engineering
Materials, processing or finishing
Technical support
A discussion of 5-7 open questions between the assessor and apprentice to show how the apprentice has carried out the Engineering Operative role integrating the KSBs. Informed by a reflective portfolio completed
2 weeks prior. 40 minutes (+/- 2 mins)
Pass/ Distinction/ Fail
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Trusted expertise shaped by partnering with specialist, high profile clients
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